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There are many variations on this drink – many different flavors for many different tastes and styles.  However, every gentleman (and lady) should know how to make a classic martini.

The drink is simple – two ingredients – and when made properly and with quality ingredients, the drink is a refreshing and tasty accompaniment to any meal or gathering.

Some enjoy vodka, some simply wave the vermouth over the glass. As for garnish, some prefer an onion, some a twist of lemon.  What follows is the basic recipe, which is slightly wet, (uses a bit more vermouth), and, in homage to James Bond, is shaken, not stirred. In garnishing the drink use either one or three olives.  Even numbers of olives are bad luck. If using large olives, opt for one olive per glass.

Makes one drink:

  • 2 1/2 ounces good quality gin
  • 1/2 ounce dry vermouth
  • 1 or 3 olives for garnish

Pour liquid ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice.  cover and shake.

Strain drink into chilled martini glass, garnish with olives.

For a dirty martini add a bit of olive juice to the shaker.

Invite friends over and enjoy!


About Author

Joseph C. Phillips

Joseph C. Phillips was born on January 17, 1962 in Denver, Colorado, USA as Joseph Connor Phillips. He is an actor, known for General Hospital (1994), The Cosby Show (1984) and Strictly Business (1991). He has been married to Nicole since 1994. They have three children.

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